Chinese Good Luck Animals

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  1. Chinese Bad Luck Animals
  2. Chinese Good Luck Animals
  3. Chinese Good Luck Symbols Images

According to the 2020 Chinese horoscope, the Lunar New Year starts on Saturday, January 25th and ends on February 11th, 2021.

  • Things that will be bring Tigers luck: Lucky numbers: 1, 3, and 4 and numbers containing them (like 13 and 43) Lucky days: the 16th and 27th of any Chinese lunar month Lucky colors: blue, gray, orange Lucky flowers: yellow lily, cineraria Lucky direction: east, north, south Lucky months: the 3rd, 7th, and 10th Chinese lunar months. Things that Tigers should avoid.
  • The tortoise is one of the four guardian or celestial animals in the Feng Shui symbols. These are used as a symbol of protection. The elephant is traditionally used as a Feng Shui symbol which means fertility, wisdom, good luck and protection. The elephant trunk had a unique language of its own.
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The Rat is the first sign from the 12 animals cycle of the Chinese Astrology, and for this reason, 2020 is considered a year of new beginnings and renewals.

The Year of the Metal Rat comes right after the Year of the Earth Pig (2019) and before the Year of the Metal Ox (2021)!

The years of the Rat are: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, and 2032.

New opportunities to find true love, and to earn more money will occur. The year 2020 will be successful for those who will take advantage of all the chances appearing throughout the year.

Theyear 2020 is quite challenging, especially health-wise, but alsofinancially, with obstacles, impediments, and unpredictablesituations, which will mainly occur during the first half of theyear.

The frog is one of the most famous Chinese good luck animals. It is believed to bring fortune and prosperity. In fact, you have probably seen the popular Chinese three-legged money frog, kept at the homes of many people as a lucky amulet that could bring fortune and prosperity into their homes. Animals figure prominently in feng shui and in Chinese lore. Although the dragon is widely known, there are other animals that are less well known but whose influence creates great luck and good fortune. Below is a listing of animals and their feng shui meanings. Placing one of these animals in your home or office can often bring you business opportunities, improve your health or help you. This situation is caused by the negative energy of the annual Flying Star 5, the star of destruction and disasters, which will have a strong influence during the Metal Rat year.

Chinese Bad Luck Animals

Thevital force is weak, which is why this year you might feel prettystressed, even by small things. You will notice slow progress in yourprojects, which is why you need to be confident in your strength, andyou will be successful in bringing everything to a favorable end.

Duringthe first half of the year, you will have more free time, and youwill be able to rest and make plans for the future. You willconsolidate the relationship with your life partner, and you willspend more time with the kids.

Theyear 2020 is under the influence of Flying Star 2, which ispositioned in the south, causing all kinds of health issues.

TheMetal Rat year is difficult and full of obstacles for the WaterChinese zodiac signs, but the other signs will also encounter manyhurdles throughout the year, so they need to be more cautious thanever.

TheMetal signs will face many difficult moments, and they will be forcedto fight fiercely for their rights.


The Year of the Rat has ups and downs, but nothing of worth ever comes easy. During the second half of the year, the health of the Chinese zodiac signs will be much improved, their energy and zest for life coming back in full force.

You will have a hard time when you will be put in the situation of making decisions. Don't let fear cloud your mind and soul. Trust your intuition!

Choose your Chinese zodiac sign

Chinese animal signBorn In
Rat Horoscope 2020 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Ox Horoscope 20201937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Tiger Horoscope 2020 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Rabbit Horoscope 2020 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Dragon Horoscope 2020 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Snake Horoscope 2020 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Horse Horoscope 2020 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Goat Horoscope 2020 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Monkey Horoscope 2020 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Rooster Horoscope 2020 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Dog Horoscope 20201946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Pig Horoscope 2020 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

WiseHoroscope brings to you 2020 western horoscope for all the signs of the zodiac.

Chinese New Year 2020

The Chinese New Year is celebrated every year through sumptuous and colorful festivities.


The Year of the Rat has ups and downs, but nothing of worth ever comes easy. During the second half of the year, the health of the Chinese zodiac signs will be much improved, their energy and zest for life coming back in full force.

You will have a hard time when you will be put in the situation of making decisions. Don't let fear cloud your mind and soul. Trust your intuition!

Choose your Chinese zodiac sign

Chinese animal signBorn In
Rat Horoscope 2020 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Ox Horoscope 20201937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Tiger Horoscope 2020 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Rabbit Horoscope 2020 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Dragon Horoscope 2020 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Snake Horoscope 2020 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Horse Horoscope 2020 1942, 1954,1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Goat Horoscope 2020 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Monkey Horoscope 2020 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Rooster Horoscope 2020 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Dog Horoscope 20201946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Pig Horoscope 2020 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

WiseHoroscope brings to you 2020 western horoscope for all the signs of the zodiac.

Chinese New Year 2020

The Chinese New Year is celebrated every year through sumptuous and colorful festivities.

It is the most important celebration, an occasion for familiar reunion, party and two weeks long winter holiday.

Officially, the Chinese year of the rat starts on January 25th, and in order to have a great year, we are advising to include in the New Chinese Year's menu what the Rat likes to eat, which means nuts and all kinds of cheese, and to wear during the party the most precious clothing and jewellery, because the rat loves opulence.

Career and Fortune

The Year of the Rat 2020 is under the sign of the Metal astral element, unlike the Pig Year, which has been under the Earth element.

All the actions initiated this year are driven by success. You need to follow your goals with confidence and determination.

Theprojects for the future must be well calculated and thought out, andthe Rat will force the Dragons and Rabbits to take more safetymeasures and to think of several backup plans when they take action.

Nothingshould be left to chance in 2020, and money, earnings, businesses,and careers need to be protected. The Ox and Monkey signs must becareful, and make no risky investments, without relying on financialhelp from somewhere else, or a salary increase, which might not comein time.

In2020, most zodiac signs will be forced to rely on their resources,and the earnings they accumulated lately will form consistent savingsfor the future.

Duringthe first months of the year, you need to mentally prepare for newresponsibilities, but the good news is that you have everything youneed to overcome any possible difficulties this year, so you canenjoy success.

You have to be relentless in order to accomplish your objectives and never let yourself be discouraged by failure, problems or difficulties.

will prove to be fairly unreasonable, inflexible, and stubborn, you need to count on your own strength and solve any problems on your own.

Read 🔥:How to feng shui your office to enhance career luck


TheDragon, Goat, and Dog signs need to be as cautious in love as theyare in protecting their money and job. It is a period when they willget closer to their family, and they will have the opportunity tospend more quality time with them.

Thosewho are tempted to make some big changes in their sentimental lifeare advised to wait for more peaceful times because this year isgoing to be troubled, and the bad luck can ruin all their plans. No deposit casino canada.

Play tron online. Theyear 2020 will be eventful, and many people will have to choosebetween love and personal interests, passion, and ambition.

Those who are facing issues in the couplerelationships will be one step from a divorce, as the ChineseHoroscope warns in 2020. A few of them will manage to save theirmarriages and only those who succeed in maintaining their love trueand sincere.

Thosewho are not sure of their partners' loyalty will also facechallenges in love. Less pleasant surprises can occur anytime, butthey don't have to listen to all kinds of gossip. If they have anopen and honest relationship, nothing will disturb their peace.

Compatibility between Rat and other zodiac signs: The Rat natives are going to have long-term relationships with the loyal Ox, adventurous Dragon, and the smart Monkey. However, they can't stand the ever-changing Horse.

Read 🔥 : 10 Feng Shui Elements That Bring Luck in Love


Manyzodiac signs will feel very stressed, especially due to financialdisputes, but also due to social and economic issues, which willaffect the countries all over the world.

Theextra weight can cause concern for the Ox, Pig, and Goat signs. Thisis why increased attention to the quality and quantity of food isrequired, especially in January and April.

Physicalactivity is indispensable to maintain your general balance, and, asmuch as possible, a good idea for all the signs is to try to includea few physical exercises in their daily schedule.

In the White Metal Rat year of 2020, to combat the energy brought by Flying Star 2 of diseases, it's ideal to use the power of these health Feng Shui remedies.

The Luckiest Chinese Horoscope Zodiac Signs in the Rat Year 2020

All throughout 2020, luck is on your side, but you need to seize it as soon as it knocks to your door.

The Chinese say that nothing scares the luck more than when you doubt it.

In turn, those who show enthusiasm and act quickly will be able to ensure their success.

Yearly Feng Shui lucky symbols

  • Numbers: 5, 7, 9
  • Colors: white, yellow, blue, green, gray, and black
  • Lucky Days: the 4th, the 8th, the 13th, the 22nd day of every month of the Chinese calendar
  • Lucky Directions: southeast, northeast, West
  • Specific careers: boss, manager, trader, art/film critic, financial expert, legal expert, scientist, philosopher, politician, musician, businessman, broker, entrepreneur, criminalist, detective, spy, journalist, writer.
  • Lucky zodiac signs: Ox, Dragon, Monkey, Pig.

In 2020, the ruling Tai Sui is Lu Mi. The position of Tai Sui is at North 2.

The Feng Shui energies are also changing from year to year.

Therefore, it is necessary to track the relocation of the good and bad energies at the beginning of each year, in order to take protective measures in case negative energies will happen to reach an important place of your house or of the office building.

By placing a pair of Chi-Lin (Chinese Unicorns) facing the North, you will be protected against the bad energy from this sector.

Place 4 Chinese bamboo stalks (in a vase with water) or a natural plant in the Center of the house in order to increase the chances to advance in your career, to successfully pass exams, and to increase your chances in love.

This year, place a natural plant in the SE to bring you luck and events worthy of celebration.

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Super Powerful Good Luck Charms

Characteristics of the Metal Rat:

Considering the fact that the Rat is the first of the 12 animals-totem of the Chinese calendar, this is going to be a year of new beginnings for all types of projects, for business or marriage.

The most prosperous activities are considered to be those speculative, for which luck is a major factor.

The Rat is considered a protector and a bringer of prosperity in the Chinese culture.

The Rat Child

The children born under the Rat Year are nice, emotional, and fine observers.

Although they seem shy, they are adorable and they can bring a special charm in their group of friends.

They easily attract attention, and if they don't, they have an outstanding arsenal of tactics: they cry, they are possessive and domineering.

There is nothing they wouldn't do in order to have their way.

The Rat children have leadership abilities, they have great self-control, they are disciplined, and they can succeed in life thanks to the way they cope with the difficulties they face.

Famous People Born in the Year of the Rat

Katy Perry, Antonio Banderas, Avril Lavigne, Antonio Moreno, Ben Affleck, Bobby Avila,Cameron Diaz, Carlos Delgado, Churchill, Colin Firth, President Jimmy Carter, Fernando Valenzuela, Hector Elizondo, Hugh Grant, Juanes, Jude Law, Julianne Moore, Justina Machado, Kathy Bates, Kenny Loggins, Marlon Brando, Mozart, Pedro Armendáriz, President George Washington, Ron Moody, Samuel J Jackson, Sean Penn, Shakespeare, Timothy Hutton, Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg, Scarlett Johansson.

In conclusion, the Year of the Rat 2020 will bring beneficial situations, opportunities, meetings with special people, luck, and also balance situations, dilemmas, and changes that can push us out of our comfort zone.

It's up to us how we use them and especially how we perceive the experiences we encounter.

We wish you all 'Kung Hay Fat Choy' and best wishes for luck and health!

Who doesn't want to be 'lucky'?

Every culture, in their search for special 'lucky charms', has their own symbols that they believe will bring them good fortune.

There are tons of Chinese words and phrases that mean 'lucky', 'auspicious', or 'happiness': 吉祥如意 (jíxiáng rúyì), 喜气洋洋 (Xǐqìyángyáng), 福气 (fúqi), 吉利(jílì), just to name a few. 吉祥(jíxiáng) can be translated into 'auspicious', and you can easily find the word 喜(Xǐ) in weddings and 福(fú) in couplets in almost every house in China! In fact, you can hear lots of these lucky words especially on Chinese New Year, when people wish good luck to their family and friends.

Today, let's take a look at five Chinese 'lucky aspects' that are seen as bringers of good fortune in Chinese culture. We will discover lucky colors, animals, puns, and numbers. We will also help you know how to express and understand these lucky images in Mandarin.

1. The color Red (红色 / hóngsè)

Red is seen as a national color. The preference for red is deeply rooted in Chinese culture; it represents power, status, and confidence to ancient Chinese royalty, while to ordinary people, red means happiness, wealth, prosperity, and good luck.

The traditional Chinese wedding (婚礼 / Hūnlǐ) dress and decorations are all in red since weddings represent happiness. Monkey warrior movie. Also, you can see 'double Xǐ' (双喜, or 囍 / shuāngxǐ) red papercuts taped everywhere during the wedding, even in the newlyweds' room!

Nowadays, however, Chinese weddings tend to be more 'western'. Brides may wear a white dress instead of traditional red ones, but red is still an important element. It's a norm, for example, that the guests invited to the wedding would give out red envelopes (红包/ hóngbāo) to the newlyweds. The amount of the money in red envelops should also be an even number that includes six or eight (more on lucky numbers later).

If you've ever visited a Chinese-speaking country, you may notice there also are long red papers taped along the doors with Chinese words on them. These long red papers are called Spring Festival couplets, or '春联 (chūnlián)' in Chinese. The sentences on the couplets vary, but they pretty much all express wishes for a happy, prosperous, and safe year. They often sound like blessings (expressed as phrases or words) such as safety (平安 / píng'ān), good wishes (如意 / rúyì), or family happiness (全家福 / quánjiāfú).

2.Dragon (龙 / lóng)

We know that in many western countries, dragons are portrayed as evil, feral, and cruel monsters. In western movies or artwork, dragons are usually 'villains', trying to kill people by breathing fire on them. However, in Chinese culture, dragons have a totally opposite image.

'In the Ancient East there is a dragon, her name is China.

In the Ancient East there is a group of people, they are all the heirs of the dragon.'

The classical Chinese song 'The Heirs of the Dragon' (龙的传人 / lóng de chuánrén) shows the Chinese people's reverence toward dragons; they see themselves as descendants of dragons. Dragons in Chinese culture represent the greatest royalty, strength, prosperity, and auspiciousness. The ancient Emperors of China were identified as the sons of dragons.

You may have heard of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs, in which the 'Dragon' is one of them. Although dragons are imaginary creatures, their images and values mean a lot to Chinese people. The concept of 'dragons' still deeply influences modern Chinese culture. As an example, the birth rate in every 'Dragon year' always increases and is relatively much higher than other zodiac years. The reason is that parents always want to have 'dragon babies', born during the Year of the Dragon. What's more, people just love the word 'dragon' (龙 / lóng)! It has become a popular name, especially for boys. For instance, famous Hong Kong movie star Jackie Chan's stage name is 'Sing Long' (成龙), and Bruce Lee's is 'Lee Siu Long' (李小龙).

3. Tortoise (乌龟 / wūguī)

The tortoise or turtle is known as a long-lived animal, so it has an image of both longevity (长寿 / chángshòu) and also auspiciousness. As you can see in the Chinese-featured animation film Kung Fu Panda, the character 'Master Oogway' is super old and intelligent, and is highly respected by others.

There are 'Four Benevolent Animals'(四灵 / Sì Líng) in Chinese culture, which includes the Qilin (麒麟/ qílín), the Dragon, the Turtle, and the Phoenix (凤凰/ fènghuáng). Interestingly, among these four benevolent animals, only the turtle is an actual animal, while the others are imaginary.

In addition to longevity, turtles are believed to have spiritual powers, and since they can live in both water and on the land, they are considered practical and closer to ordinary people. It's also common for Chinese fortune tellers to use turtles' shells to practice divination.

4. Chinese Puns

In the Chinese language, there are loads of interesting homophonic or double-entendre words. Chinese people love to use these puns in their daily lives, and it has become an important part of the culture. In particular, people love to take homophonic meanings and connect them as lucky words.

For example, during Chinese New Year, there are many lucky words and blessings all around. One of the lucky phrases, '年年有余' (Nián nián yǒuyú), means 'the hope to have surplus wealth or good things every year.' 余 (yú) means 'surplus', and has the same sound as 鱼 (yú), which means fish. Therefore, to have fish on the table for meals during Chinese New Year means greater luck.

This is the same for 团圆 (tuányuán), meaning 'a reunion of loved ones.' The word 圆 (yuán) means 'circle or round', so in Chinese culture, dining tables are usually round tables. To celebrate New Year, Chinese family members would thus have a reunion meal called 团圆饭 (tuányuán fàn). True odds craps. Also, the fruit 'orange (桔子 / júzi)' has similar sound to luck (吉/ jí), so you will often find oranges on the table during Chinese festivals.

5. Lucky number

Just like the 'lucky 7' in western culture, Chinese culture has lucky numbers, too. 6 and 8 are commonly recognized as good numbers. Why? It's all about homophones again.

The Chinese pronunciation of six (六 / liù) sounds like 'flow'(流 / liú), so the blessing phrase 六六大顺 (Liùliù dà shùn) means 'everything flows smoothly'. Eight in Chinese, 八 (bā), rhymes with 发 (fā), which means prosperity and wealth. Therefore, it's popular among companies or individuals to apply for phone numbers or car license plates to include the number 8.

Chinese Good Luck Animals

9 is also seen as a lucky and auspicious number as. Nine, or 九 (jiǔ) in Chinese, has a similar sounding phrase: 长长久久 (Zhǎng cháng jiǔjiǔ), which means 'forever, ever-lasting, and longevity'. Therefore, it's common to see people prepare 99 roses to give to their lovers, which symbolizes 'ever-lasting love'.

To sum up, there are many aspects and interpretations for good luck in the Chinese culture. Bahamian rhapsody mac os. They are mostly derived from ancient times and still take on an important role in people's daily lives today. The lucky colors, numbers, animals, traditional customs, or use of language, are quite unique and interesting, and they contribute to the culture's charm.

Chinese Good Luck Symbols Images

Here's wishing you good luck!

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